
Missionary Outreach to the Blind


This is a mission which needs your participation to fully accomplish its God-given commission. Please support our work in any way you can. As we help blind people around the world, your participation shares in the joys and rewards of Christian service. We need your help as follows:

Prayer Support:
The prayers of God’s people undergird our work. Your prayers help to open doors that are impossible for us to open by our efforts. They also prevent us from straying into areas that would needlessly sap our resources and keep us from fulfilling God’s commission to the greatest possible extent. Your prayers also bless the many blind people we serve, supporting their efforts to know Christ, grow in Him and better serve their Lord. Your prayers are vital to our success.
Volunteer Support:
Volunteers are tangible demonstrations of Christian service. We have volunteers produce audio recordings of Christian literature, perform various clerical duties to help accomplish our work, help with bake sales and other special events which help to promote our mission.
Financial Support:
Since a vast majority of the people we serve could never afford the service we provide, we need people who appreciate the blessing of being able to read Christian literature, and those who want God’s good news spread abroad to give financially to this mission. No gift is too small. We need your monthly support to provide monthly services to the blind who are hungry for the literature we provide. Your monthly gifts also enable us to provide personal ministry and referral service to those who need personal attention to help them in their particular situations. Will you join our team? Will you do what you can to see that those who are so often overlooked go overlooked no longer?
Spoken Word Ministries, Inc. 205 W. John Street, Mt Olive, North Carolina 28365-1634 – Tel. (919) 635-1000